An Introduction to KHAOS Mindset
Video Summary
• Mental Health and Wellness strategies
- Candice Cox, LCSW emphasizes the importance of addressing and reducing the impact of toxic and traumatic stress in our lives to create a new normal and overcome struggles.
- The KHAOS mindset involves breaking free from barriers, getting raw with issues, resetting the mind, and being patient with oneself, as well as forgiving, releasing, embracing, and elevating oneself.
Video Transcript:
A great day and let's talk about the chaos. K-H-A-OS stands for Keep Healing and Overcoming Struggles. Regular C-H-A-O-S stands for Can't Help Acting Out Severely. So KHAOS is a phrase. The phrase is to live a life of KHAOS, you must be willing to break FREE from your barriers, get RAW with their issues, RESET your mind and be PATIENT with you. RAW, FREE RESET, and PATIENT are all skills.
FREE- Free stands for Forgive, Release, Embrace and Elevate
RAW- RAW stands for Realize, Admit and Work-Through.
RESET-Reset stands for Remember,Every Situation, Encourages Thought
PATIENT -Patient stands for Pause and think. Inhale, exhale. Now talk or Now Tap Out.
Understand that when we're talking about the KHAOS mindset, we have to understand that life happens to us all. But that doesn't mean that life has to stop. We all can create a new normal as we keep healing and overcoming struggles. And so when we utilize the KHAOS mindset, we utilize these skills. It means that we've gotten to a place where we've learned how to assess, address, and reduce the impact of toxic and traumatic stress in our lives. It doesn't mean that things aren't going to happen, because things are gonna happen to us. And til the day we leave this world we are going to constantly have struggles, but we have to understand that it's not what happens to us. It's what we do about it. It's how we address it. It's how we address our relationships. It's how we address our responses. It's how we deal with accountability. It's how we address our cognitive distortions, and it's how we address our bodies when we are triggered.
So I look forward to teaching you guys more about the KHAOS mindset. Again, the phrase is to live a life of KHAOS.. You must be willing to break FREE, get RAW with your issues, RESET your mind, and be PATIENT with you. Because that's important. Understand that if you're not mentally well, you are mentally ill just the same as if you're not physically well you are physically ill.
But we have to learn how to give our mental health as much attention as we give our physical health because when you think about it, your brain runs divided. You've had this enhanced in cyber cases.